I am so excited, I received my package from Juice Beauty! I found this organic skin care line on Gal Meets Glam and ordered it that night. I bought the skin care line for acne, I have oily, dry, sensitive, acne prone skin that peals, and turns read with every other product I have tried (and I have tried them all). So far so good, my skin feels great. I will keep you updated on how it feels, and how it works.
I am excited to try their make-up as well, what products do you guys use?
(Just as an update, I ended my Organics to clear skin, and reordered proactive. Even though this did not clear my acne, I am saving to purchase other products, I am a big believer in EVERYTHING organic! 1/10/12)
(Just as an update, I ended my Organics to clear skin, and reordered proactive. Even though this did not clear my acne, I am saving to purchase other products, I am a big believer in EVERYTHING organic! 1/10/12)